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Voyage. Horizons, frontiers, generations. ­­­ 5th edition

From 25 March to 18 June 2023 (EXTENDED TO 25 JUNE)

The “Viaggio. Orizzonti, Frontiere, Generazioni” review returns to Biella, in the two historic complexes of Palazzo Ferrero and Palazzo Gromo Losa, now in its fifth edition. The project, curated by Fabrizio Lava, aims to bring travel and art into dialogue with the intention of going beyond social, geographical and cultural boundaries and will, as always, see a combination of exhibitions and events.

The new edition opens to the public with the usual inaugural Festival (from 23 to 26 of March), four days of meetings and book presentations with journalists, writers and photographers, and will then continue with exhibitions and photographic exhibitions scheduled from March 25th to the 18th of June in the exhibition halls of Palazzo Ferrero and Palazzo Gromo Losa.

Watercolors and contemporary art installations

Among the exhibitions, we point out Altri voli con le Nuvole by Nicola Magrin, a pictorial story in 123 astonishing watercolours. For the artist, returning to nature means returning to oneself, abandoning oneself, dissolving and finally reshaping with it, thus giving meaning to freedom. His personal landscapes become universal, as universal are the themes that unite words and images of this beautiful illustrated work.

Along the exhibition itinerary we also find the installations Tempo Irreale by the Turin artist Enrico Iuliano and Leftovers by Grazia Amendola. With Tempo Irreale #3 the artist enters into a profound relationship with the architectural space, creating through the use of building materials a minimal installation, made up of solids and voids, volumes and pauses that seems to embody an ideal perspective vanishing line.

Grazia Amendola, with Leftovers, continues the research that began in 2016 with the intention of mapping the cities of the Mediterranean by investigating how the respective communities respond to the problem of food waste. The installation is made up of a column of more than 400 elements, i.e. sacks of potatoes and onions recovered during the research carried out at the Porta Palazzo market in Turin. The bags were unstitched and stitched again according to a reuse technique used in Mali. The column that develops for the entire height of the room, as if to support the ceiling, invites us to reflect on whether recovery and reuse are really the only solutions to the problem of food waste and to what extent these can actually "hold" the system and counteract the effects of food overproduction.

Nicola Magrin, Now I'm alone. No, there is Macchia, framed watercolor
Biella through the clouds

Biella through the clouds

In addition, space will be given to comics with the exhibition of the original plates of the book Biella through the clouds, edited by Nuvolosa in collaboration with the City of Biella and Creativecomics. A trip to the city of Biella in company of Quintino Sella aimed at students and families, but which also winks at anyone who is interested in getting to know better their own city. A comic that tells the places and the suggestions, the birth, the rebirth, the nineteenth-century development and finally the conversion of today, in a city with a thousand tourist facets including the Piazzo, the Piano, the Cervo stream and of course Oropa.

Discovering Procida

Among the photographic exhibitions worth of mention there is Procida by Natalino Russo, curated by Procida Capitale della Cultura ci 2022 in collaboration with NEOS, which offers a look at the most authentic and least known of the islands in the Gulf of Naples. Coming to the fore in 2022 as the Italian capital of culture, Procida has begun to tell itself by revealing stories of women and men, of sea and land. These photographs are the result of an intimate research, carried out without haste, in the places on the island that are dear to the author.

Natalino Russo, Procida. The Corricella
Luciano Monti, American Landscape

In the footsteps of Ansel Adams

The monographic photographic exhibition by Luciano Monti (1960) American Landscape is made up of 30 images taken in 1999 and printed in analogue with the zonal technique, some in large format, plus some images which are the author's photographic references. This is the result of an analytical work on the photographic places of Ansel Adams, from which the author is inspired.

Up and down the Boot at the beginning of the twentieth century

After the exhibition of the photographs taken by Cesare, Erminio and Vittorio Sella in Morocco (1925), which was held in the second edition of Viaggio, this year the Sella Foundation presents Viaggio in Italia by Vittorio Sella, a collection of photographs taken by the great photographer during his trip to Italy in 1913 with his wife Linda, brother Erminio and his son Cesare. The entire journey is documented by around ninety unpublished images, created in the 13x18cm and 8x11cm formats. The photographic documentation is accompanied by travel notes written by his wife Linda. About thirty digital enlargements will also be displayed in the halls of the exhibition itinerary.

Vittorio Sella, Messina dopo il terremoto. © Sella Foundation
Two men and one leg

Two men and one leg

On the occasion of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the CAI, Biella Viaggio hosts the shots of the adventures of the team Two men and one leg made up of the two paraclimbers Andrea Lanfri and Massimo Coda, the first from Lucca, the second from Biella.
The name "Two men and one leg" comes from the fact that Andrea lost both lower limbs following meningitis, while Massimo decided to have his right leg amputated after an accident in the mountains. The two met in a vertical and from there their union was born: in 2020 they climbed the Italian five peaks Marmolada, Monviso, Gran Paradiso, Bianco and by a whisker the Matterhorn. In 2021 they completed the crossing of Monte Rosa from Alagna to Cervinia and in 2022 they reached Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. Andrea Lanfri, former Olympic parathlete of the Italian national team, also climbed Mount Everest in 2022.

W geodiversity!

Finally, we point out the exhibition Italy through a trip to the Geoparks, curated by Marco Giardino, president of the Sesia-Valgrande Geopark association. It is a journey into the "geodiversity" of the Italian Geoparks.

Geodiversity is the abiotic equivalent of biodiversity describing a variety of geological features and processes, rocks, minerals, fossils-geomorphological-landforms and soil and hydrological processes that make up and shape our planet Earth.

High altitude of the Majella (photo Proserini)
Roma. Il laboratorio di Hip Hop realizzato negli spazi di MateMu nell’ambito del progetto DOORS (mostra Stati d’infanzia - foto Riccardo Venturi)

Off exhibitions

The fifth edition of the Journey also continues outside the historic buildings of Biella Piazzo with a rich calendar of “Off exhibitions".

On the occasion of the inauguration of Cascina Oremo, which is an ambitious project of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the exhibition by Riccardo Venturi States of childhood - Journey through the growing country will be hosted from April 15th to May 14th at Palazzo Gromo Losa. The project of Cascina Oremo is to invest around 12 million euros in order to create an inclusive place of learning and sport, which is an initiative co-financed by Con i Bambini, as a tool to fight poverty educational institution.

As part of the Fund to fight against child educational poverty, the reportage promoted by the social enterprise "Con i Bambini” was presented with over 80 photographs. The theme of inequalities, marginalization, social exclusion and scholastic dispersion is the central issue. The aim is to highlight the complexity and difficulties, but also the possibilities for renewal and the necessary and possible change of direction through experiments and "educational alliances" between schools, third sector, institutions and families. The project obtained the Gold Medal from the President of the Republic and the patronage of Rai.

The exhibition also documents some educational experiences in Biella and is with free admission.

Info and Timetables

From 25 March to 18 June 2023 (EXTENDED TO 25 JUNE)
Palazzo Ferrero: Corso del Piazzo 25, 13900 Biella and Palazzo Gromo Losa: Corso del Piazzo 24, 13900 Biella
Opening time
Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm

Special openings
10 (Easter Monday), 24 and 25 of April, May 1st, June 2nd
Extraordinary closures: April 9 (Easter)

Ticket office at Palazzo Ferrero
The ticket is valid for a single entry to the exhibition venues and is valid for the entire duration of the exhibitions opening.

Single entrance ticket for the three exhibition venues
Whole 8.00 euros | Reduced 5.00 euros.

Children aged 15 to 25, Friends of Castelli Aperti, Plein Air Members, UPBEduca Members - Popular Biellese University, FAI Members, CAI Members, Fotoclub Biella Members, BI-BOx Art Space Members, BI Young Members, Touring Club Members, City Employees of Biella, Carta Più and Carta MultiPiù Feltrinelli holders, Torino + Piemonte Card holders, organized groups and groups of 15 people (with a free guide)

Piedmont Valle d'Aosta Museum Subscription, disabled people and carer, qualified and accredited tourist guides, accredited journalists, children up to 14 years of age

Every day the exhibition is open at Palazzo Gromo Losa, it will be possible to visit the garden and the multimedia installation “Plaç. The stories of the Piazzo” for free, dedicated to the historic village of Biella.

Neos, CAI Biella, Sella Foundation, Fila Foundation, University of Turin, Cittadellarte, Lorenza Salamon Gallery, Biella Photoclub, Biella Jazz Club, BiBoX Association, Emons Editore, Cigna Dischi, Vocididonne

City of Biella, City of Procida, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, Schools

Sponsors and technical sponsors
Relais Santo Stefano, Casaforte, Qquanti, Shiruq Viaggi, Tucano Viaggi, CNA Biella

For information | | +39 388 5647455

Luciano Monti, American Landscape

Create your visit to the Biellese

Not only to the village of Piazzo

A visit to the exhibition is the ideal opportunity for a weekend to discover our territory. Industrial history and archeology, lots of nature just a few steps from the city with exceptional green areas such as the Burcina Park and the Zegna Oasis, the Sanctuary of Oropa and other spiritual places, the Ricetto di Candelo, a splendidly preserved medieval jewel, Lake Viverone and much more. Without forgetting the flavors of Piedmontese cuisine, our fine wines and the textile "know-how" that in 2019 earned Biella its entry into the Unesco Creative Cities network.

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