Phone:  +39 015 0991868  |  Email:  |  Corso del Piazzo 22/24, 13900 Biella (BI), Italia

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+39 015 0991868


Corso del Piazzo 22/24, 13900 Biella (BI)

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Palazzo Gromo Losa Srl

Dal 2016 la Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, proprietaria del complesso, ha affidato la gestione dell’immobile alla società Palazzo Gromo Losa Srl, sua società strumentale ai sensi dell'art. 1, comma 1, lettera h del D.Lgs. 17 maggio 1999 n. 153.

PALAZZO GROMO LOSA s.r.l. società a socio unico

Sede legale: Via Garibaldi,17 - 13900 Biella

CF/PI 02614120026

Società Strumentale della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella ai sensi dell'art. 1, comma 1, lettera h del D.Lgs. 17 maggio 1999 n. 153.

C. s. i. v. € 10.000,00=. - R.I. Biella 02614120026 - R.E.A. BI-197088

Tel. + 39 015 0991868 - Fax: 015 2520434



Obbligo di trasparenza delle erogazioni pubbliche

Plan your visit

Palazzo Gromo Losa is open to public only as part of the exhibitions we host. Until 18 May 2025 we are hosting the photographic exhibition Steve McCurry. Uplands&Icons, open at the following times:

Wednesday and Thursday 3.00pm-7.00pm

Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10.00 am-7.00pm

8 and 26 December, 1 and 6 January, 20, 21 and 25 April, 1 May 10.00am-7.00pm

Closed December 25th

Last entrance 6.00pm

For visits outside opening hours (for groups of at least 15 people) tel. +39 015 0991868.

For school visits and educational workshops: +39 015 0991868 -

Our conventions

For conventions concerning exhibitions currently in progress click here.

As for the visit to the garden and to the multimedia installation Plaç. Stories of the Piazzo  (without the exhibitions) the following conventions are provided: 
Free admission: Under 25, disabled + 1 companion, teachers if accompanying a class, Piedmont Valle d'Aosta Museum Subscription, journalists with license, tourist guides with license, university students with ID card, FAI members, Amici di Castelli Aperti, Plein Air members, CartaEffe, Feltrinelli employees, AIGO Card and AIGO members, Voucher Museo Banca di Asti.

How to reach us

Biella is located roughly halfway between Turin and Milan.

If you arrive by car:

Once you have reached the center, we recommend that you go upwards to the village of Piazzo with the suggestive Funicular (you can take it in Piazza Curiel and it is free). Once you have gone up to the Piazzo go left, cross Piazza Cisterna and continue for about 5 minutes on foot to Palazzo Gromo Losa, which you will find on your right. Alternatively, you can leave your car at the "Piazzo Parking" (free) going up from Via Ivrea / Via Mentegazzi and reach the village of Piazzo via the convenient lift inside the parking lot. Palazzo Gromo Losa will be on your right once you reach Corso del Piazzo.

If you arrive by train:

From the Biella San Paolo station, take the bus (lines 360 and 900) and get off in Piazza Curiel, then go up to the village of Piazzo with the Funicular (free). Once you have gone up to the Piazzo go left, cross Piazza Cisterna and continue for about 5 minutes on foot to Palazzo Gromo Losa, which you will find on your right.

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